Seminars and workshops Economtrics


Sl No Type of seminar Seminar Title Date Chief Guest Sponsoring Agency
1 Two Day National Seminar Analysing the Infrastructural Development and Public Debt in Kerala 02/12/2022 to 03/12/2022


1. Dr. K P. Vipin Chandran (Assistant Prof. of Economics, Krishna Menon MEmmorial Govt. Womens College, Kannur, 2.Mr. Ajeesh Babu, Assistant Professor of University of Calicut.


Institute of Parliamentary Affairs, Govt. of Kerala
2 Two Day National Seminar Post Pandemic Kerala Economy: Opportunities and Challenges 14/12/2023 to 15/12/2023 1.Dr. C. P. Shaheed Ramzan (Professor and Head of the Dept. of Economics, Govt. Arts and Science College, Kozhikode)
2.Dr. Sujin K N (Asst. Professor in Economics, Govt. Arts and Science College, Calicut).
Sponsored by DCE Trivandrum


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