Best Practices

Best Practice 1: Eco-Friendly Campus

Our institution is committed to fostering an eco-friendly campus culture and promoting environmental stewardship. To achieve this, we have implemented various initiatives aligned with our goal of sustainability.

Key Initiatives:

  • Green Spaces: The campus features meticulously maintained herbal and fruit gardens, along with a diverse array of trees, creating a serene and verdant environment.
  • Organic Cultivation: We prioritize organic farming practices within the campus, promoting sustainable agriculture and minimizing the use of harmful chemicals.
  • Waste Management: A comprehensive waste management plan has been implemented, emphasizing prevention, reuse, classification, and proper disposal. This has led to significant reductions in waste generation and encouraged environmentally conscious behavior among students, faculty, and staff.
  • Rainwater Harvesting: The college has invested in rooftop and surface runoff rainwater harvesting systems, promoting water conservation and reducing reliance on municipal supplies.
  • Community Engagement: We actively involve students, faculty, and the local community in environmental initiatives, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility.


  • To cultivate a deep appreciation for nature and the environment among all stakeholders.
  • To promote education and awareness about the interconnectedness of flora and fauna.
  • To encourage responsible behavior and reduce human activities that harm the environment.


The increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters highlight the urgent need for environmental action. Our institution’s commitment to sustainability is rooted in a desire to contribute to a healthier planet and mitigate the impacts of climate change.


Our efforts have resulted in a significant positive impact on the campus and surrounding community. The lush green spaces, well-maintained gardens, and reduced waste generation are tangible examples of our success. Additionally, the attitudinal shift towards environmental responsibility among students, faculty, and the local community is a testament to the effectiveness of our initiatives.

Challenges and Future Directions:

While we have made significant progress, challenges remain. Ongoing efforts are required to address issues such as plastic waste reduction and the need for additional resources to support our initiatives. Future plans include expanding our outreach programs, exploring renewable energy options, and further integrating sustainability into the curriculum.

By continuing to prioritize environmental sustainability, our institution is striving to create a model campus that inspires others to adopt similar practices and contribute to a more sustainable future.


Best Practice 2 – Synergistic Linkage with the Embedded Community

1. Objective

The “Synergistic Linkage with the Embedded Community” initiative aims to foster a strong sense of social responsibility among students and position the institution as a catalyst for positive change in the socially and economically disadvantaged hillock of Mokeri. By promoting community engagement and addressing local needs, the college seeks to empower students to become active participants in their communities and contribute to their overall development.

Key Objectives:

  • Strengthen the institution’s commitment to social welfare.
  • Promote inclusivity and support marginalized populations, including individuals with disabilities.
  • Create a platform for dialogue and support among parents of children with disabilities.
  • Enhance the public’s understanding of the college’s research, achievements, facilities, and future plans.
  • Facilitate connections between the college and local scientific, educational, cultural, medical, and health institutions.
  • Foster “public-public participation” by linking the wider community with the college.

3. Context

Aligned with its mission of academic excellence, creativity, and social responsibility, the college has developed initiatives to address the specific needs of the Mokeri community. This underdeveloped area faces significant challenges related to urbanization and social disadvantage. The college recognizes its role in leveraging its student body’s potential to contribute to the community’s betterment and promote social engagement.

4. The Practice

Students, under the guidance of faculty members, actively participate in various social service activities. The NSS and COK have conducted awareness and support programs for nearby communities, and the NSS has adopted the Vadayamkandy Colony for ongoing support. During the COVID-19 pandemic, students and faculty volunteered for relief efforts. The college has also opened its facilities for relief camps, medical camps, quarantine centers, and community use.

Significant contributions include:

  • Volunteer service at relief camps during the Kerala floods of 2018 and 2019.
  • Participation in the Thanmudra and Sahamitra data entry campaigns for UDID for disability persons.
  • Community outreach initiatives through the NSS camp.
  • Economic empowerment of women through Kudumbasree canteen management and training programs.

5. Evidence of Success

The college and its staff members have received recognition from local bodies, district administration, and government agencies for their community service contributions. Over 1000 students have actively participated in various initiatives.

6. Challenges and Resources Required

Challenges include restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, limited time for community service activities within the academic schedule, and financial constraints faced by students and the college. To address these challenges, monetary support from voluntary organizations and local authorities would be beneficial.