Women Empowerment

Women Empowerment

The Women’s Cell of a college is a cornerstone of the institution’s commitment to gender equality and the empowerment of women. Through its wide-ranging activities, from awareness campaigns and policy advocacy to providing support and addressing grievances, the cell plays a crucial role in creating a campus environment where women can thrive. Despite the challenges it faces, the Women’s Cell remains a vital force in challenging gender norms, promoting equality, and empowering women to reach their full potential. Its work not only benefits the women within the college but also contributes to a broader cultural shift towards greater gender equity in society as a whole. The Women’s Cell in a college is a vital institution dedicated to the empowerment of women, the promotion of gender equality, and the creation of a safe, supportive environment for female students, faculty, and staff. This body reflects the college’s commitment to addressing gender-related issues and fostering an inclusive campus culture where women can thrive both academically and personally. The Women’s Cell plays a multifaceted role, ranging from advocacy and awareness-raising to providing support and addressing grievances. The Women’s Cell of the college has a broad mandate, with responsibilities that include promoting gender awareness, preventing harassment and discrimination, providing support and resources to women on campus, and addressing gender-based grievances. One of the primary functions of the Women’s Cell is to raise awareness about gender equality and women’s rights. This is achieved through a variety of programs, including invited lectures and awareness campaigns. Topics covered include sexual harassment, gender discrimination, reproductive rights, self-defense, and women’s health. By educating the college community on these issues, the Women’s Cell works to challenge stereotypes, reduce gender biases, and empower women to assert their rights. The cell also plays a critical role in preventing and addressing sexual harassment and gender-
based violence.

Debate on ‘ Pennidangalippozhum anadhikara nirmithikalo? ‘ 

    08/03/2022 ,11.30 am