Anti Sexual Harassment Committee (ICC)


The college has established the Internal Complaints Committee. The ICC conducts sessions for both teaching and non-teaching staff as well as students. These programmes focus on implementing measures to ensure the safety of women and promoting gender sensitivity on the campus. The ICC is fully dedicated to enforcing a policy of zero tolerance against sexual harassment. It ensures that all members of the institution are informed about the procedures for addressing complaints related to sexual harassment. The ICC is dedicated to taking proactive measures to prevent any types of harassment against personnel and students.


The Committee attempts to:

• Dissuade and prevent any form of sexual harassment against staff and students.
• Raise awareness about the legal and ethical issues related to sexual harassment.
• Guarantee comprehension and consciousness of gender rights, privileges, and obligations as members of society.
• Combat all forms of gender-based violence committed against both male and female staff and students.

The Committee serves as the complainant’s support system. The institution implements essential measures to prevent victimisation of both staff and students on campus, as well as any additional victimisation of the complainant after a complaint is lodged. It creates awareness on sexual harassment redressal mechanisms in the campus/workplace. The Committee intends to

  1. Take proactive measures to prevent the exclusion or isolation of the individual filing the complaint
    ii. Provide support to the complainant in submitting a formal complaint, if/when requested by the complainant.
    iii. Foster consciousness and empathy among the student and staff population.
    iv. Assist in coordinating invited speakers, workshops, and other activities to raise awareness about gender and sexual harassment.
  2. Also organize orientation sessions for members of the ICC. The committee raises awareness through orientation, dialogue, and other appropriate activities.
    vi. Ensure the provision of a secure working environment.

vii Display prominently in the campus/workplace the potential legal repercussions of engaging in behaviours that may be considered sexual harassment, as well as the makeup of the Internal Complaints Committee.

The Process for Making a Complaint and Conducting an Enquiry

An aggrieved person is required to submit a written complaint to the ICC within three months from the date of the incident. The ICC will promptly provide the accused with a copy of the complaint upon receiving it. Subsequently, it will carry out an investigation that must be concluded within a period of ninety days starting from the moment the complaint is received. The inquiry report must be presented to the college’s Executive authority within ten days from the completion of the inquiry.



  • If the offender is an employee the matter will be reported to the higher authorities and necessary action taken.
  • Where the respondent is a student, depending upon the severity of the offense, the ICC may recommend:
  • Suspending or restricting entry into the campus for a specific period.
  • Awarding reformative punishments like mandatory counselling and/or performing community services.
  • Expelling from the rolls of the college and denying readmission, if the offense so warrants.


Coordinator:  Najmah AR

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