Research Policy

The Department of English, functioning as a Research Centre, aims to inspire students to engage in advanced education and research. It promotes research activities by increasing students’ knowledge of recent advancements in various fields of study and motivating them to engage in research-related endeavours. It also takes measures to ensure that faculty members are kept aware about externally funded research projects. The department proposes applications to the UGC to request financing for seminars and workshops. In addition, it facilitates faculty publication output through its own effort called Crosswaves, which is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed Research Journal aimed at promoting research culture and interest. Efforts are undertaken to establish and promote an appropriate setting for the acquisition of information. Emphasis is placed on conducting research and fostering innovation of exceptional quality. The institution’s Research Committee actively promotes research publications and collaborations through strategic measures. It provides assistance and assesses research endeavours. The platform facilitates discourse, distribution of research discoveries, and staying updated on recent progress in the area of study via seminars and invited presentations.

The emphasis is on integrity and intellectual honesty, without any conflicts of interest, while promoting publications in journals with the highest impact and outreach that are indexed in Scopus. The Research Centre, which is associated with the University of Calicut, consists of Research Guides and Research Scholars who are pursuing their PhD degrees.  The college is dedicated to cultivating a research culture among both staff and students, recognising that fundamental, enduring research is crucial for establishing the groundwork for an institution’s future achievements.

The college’s research policy is designed to cultivate and advance research skills, as well as identify research areas that have academic, practical, and social significance, thus making a contribution to the nation’s progress. Additionally, it aims to guarantee that the college’s research operations comply with all relevant rules and regulations of the affiliating University and U.G.C., as well as the established standards and norms for safe and ethical research practices.



  • To assist in preparing the proposals for the conduct of seminars/workshops/conferences and forward it to the funding agencies
  • To regularly assess the different research activities and development initiatives of the institution.
  • To foster collaboration and cross-disciplinary investigation
  • To promote knowledge and understanding of Intellectual Property Rights
  • To expand the range of research possibilities and financing alternatives accessible to faculty and students of the institution and establish linkages with national and international research organizations
  • To promote collaborations with Universities, international and national academic institutions of higher learning.
  • To encourage and facilitate the publication of the research works in reputed academic International / National journals.
  • To facilitate community oriented research initiatives and to make possible a transfer of the research findings for the social and economic development of the community
  • To maintain high standards of ethics and integrity in all research activities conducted by the college.


Code of Ethics for Research:

All students pursuing research in the college are expected to maintain high standards of integrity, honesty and professionalism in respect of all the work undertaken by them. The Research Committee in the college oversees the research activities of the institution. As the college is affiliated to the University of Calicut, it adheres to the standards set by the University and UGC with regards to plagiarism and research misconduct. Prior to final submission, a PhD thesis from the Institution undergoes a plagiarism check in conjunction with the University of Calicut. The department Research Journal also conducts a thorough examination of the content’s originality whenever a paper submission is received. In addition to overseeing the research initiatives of the college, the Research Committee also evaluates the ethical considerations associated with the process.